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New Grampians guidebook

By 25 June 2015April 30th, 2019General News, Published


Speaking of guidebooks… BOOM!!! I’m delighted to announce that we have received shipment of our new 2015 edition guidebook which details 1200+ routes at 61 of the best crags at Australia’s God’s-own-stone, world-class, ultra-awesome and amazing… Grampians!!! BOOM YADDA YADDA BOOM!

Authored by the irrepressible energiser bunny Neil Monteith, this 304 page tome updates and significantly expands upon our 2013 edition, especially with the inclusion of several classic trad areas, to make this the ultimate, most inspiring and informative source of sport AND trad beta for all you frothing Grampians inclined cranksters out there! BOOM BOOM!

You know what to do folks, get it and get it now direct from the horses mouth, Australia’s número uno climbing publisher at We will add a full stockists list to that page soon but some of the biggest stockists, Bogong Equipment (Melbourne), Absolute Outdoors (Halls Gap) and, should receive their stock on Monday. GO GET IT!

Massive thanks to the players and do’ers out there who helped create this friken phenomenal piece of informative art. YOU ROCK! And high fives once again @nmonteith! LEGEND!

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