This is one of my most personally meaningful images. Not because it took several false pre-dawn starts before we got a sufficiently good cloud inversion for the image I had in mind, but because of the memories this brings me of one of my dearest friends. The climber pictured is John “Crunch” Smoothy, a true Blue Mountains climbing legend. This is him, in his element, it’s an image that will always remind me of him.⠀
Some days I think climbing photography is trivial and somewhat meaningless but when I look at this image… it feels rather more invaluable.⠀
I posted this image previously, when John passed away three years ago, this time I’m delighted to say I have positive news. ⠀
Yesterday, a memorial seat and plaque was unveiled in John’s honour. You’ll find it as you walk around to Shipley Upper, in a beautiful setting, the last corner just before you get to the first routes at the Equaliser end. This corner is now known as Crunch’s Corner.⠀
This will now be a very special place for those of us who knew lucky enough to know John. You are not forgotten mate.⠀
Many thanks indeed to the Blue Mountains City Council for fully supporting this memorial, Glenn Short for organising this and Henryk Topelnicki for constructing the seat.
Prints of this image are available –> here.