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Andy Pollitt

By 27 June 2021March 13th, 2023Instagrams

Was just flicking through my archive for some weird reason and noticed this one of Andy Pollitt, which I haven’t posted before. My bad. Andy sadly passed away in 2019 at age 56 from a stroke. ⁠⁠
Andy was quite a legend, and I owe him a ton of gratitude for encouraging me as a young keen whipper snapper when I was dabbling in climbing photography — though several more years passed before I got serious, committed, and started my business.⁠⁠
Here Andy is on Serpentine (29), on Taipan Wall in the Grampians with Malcolm Matheson (HB), another legend, belaying. Taken in around 1991, this was a pretty early repeat of the route.⁠⁠
This pic so old it was even shot on #Kodachrome. #throwback #film⁠⁠

RIP mate. ⁠⁠

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